Home 0.2.5·Core 3.5.0a9 can i revert this update?

Is there a place to signal no automatic update? I dont like my tools to change in the middle of my dev cycle.

I wish to revert this last update until someone makes sense of it. anyone can help?

import arduino ide project has no option to remain compatible, therefore I must go to arduino IDE to remain compatible, as I’m doing tutorials, I have no other way.

browsing for import on that web like clicky thing is a pain, i was using the keyboard to blaze my folders with the standard OS dialog.

huge fallback.

ok, found the auto-update checker… a bit too late.

Thanks! See

That is really a double-edged sword. We moved PIO Home as separate WEB-application. You can start it from CLI without any IDEs. Just open Terminal and type pio home. So, PIO Core users can also now use GUI managers for PlatformIO ecosystem.

Also, we use the same app for VSCode IDE. Other IDEs also can use it. Is very hard for us to maintain different PIO Home apps for IDEs, for browsers…