Has anyone added a WS BLE400 (WaveShare) board? nrf51822 SoC

Hi guys, I have been trying to set up an IDE and toolchain to work with this popular chinese BLE board based on the nrf51822. http://www.waveshare.com/wiki/BLE400

Before I ran into PlatformIO, I have tried QtCreator like in the description below:
http://morf.lv/starting-with-nrf51-ble-and-qt-creator , unfrotunately to no avail.

I have read a few things about adding a board in PlatformIO, but I think I’m in over my head. The link above has a header file that you can download for this board, with the pinout broken down.

Has anyone set up this board for PlatformIO? If not, can anyone help in layman’s terms a newbie?

A beer for anyone that can help! :wink:
