Hi guys!
I’m pretty new o PlatformIO and I love it in combination with VS code. It’s just working fine and I can even upload my firmeware via OTA to my lolin32.
Since I managed to get the OTA working, I now need a working solution for providing the firmware continously and push them on a webserver to distribute them for all my controllers (which are ~10 in my home automation).
So I checked the CI and integrated it in Gitlab, but the build are failing every time I commit some code to it.
The manual builds are just working fine.
My .gitlab-ci.yaml
image: python:2.7
- test
- “pip install -U platformio”
- “platformio lib --storage-dir /lib install”
stage: test
script: “platformio ci --lib=. --project-conf platformio.ini”
variables: {PLATFORMIO_CI_SRC: “src/main.cpp”}
My platform.ini
platform = espressif32
board = lolin32
framework = arduino
monitor_baud = 115200
upload_port =
lib_deps =
GitHub - zhouhan0126/WebServer-esp32: WebServer-esp32
GitHub - zhouhan0126/DNSServer---esp32
The CI is always failing because it can’t resolve some “sub” dependencies of libs:
Library Dependency Graph
|-- v1.0
|-- v0.99.9
| |-- v1.1.0
| | |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
| | |-- v1.0
|-- v1.1
| |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
| |-- v0.99.9
| | |-- v1.1.0
| | | |-- v1.0
| | |-- v1.0
| | |-- v1.0
| | | |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.1
| | |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.18.8
| | |-- v1.18.8
| |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
| | |-- v1.0
| | |-- v1.0
|-- v1.18.8
| |-- v1.18.8
|-- v1.0
|-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
| |-- v1.0
Compiling .pioenvs/lolin32/src/main.o
Generating partitions .pioenvs/lolin32/partitions.bin
In file included from src/main.cpp:3:0:
.piolibdeps/SSD1306_ID1134/SSD1306.h:32:18: fatal error: DSPI.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
*** [.pioenvs/lolin32/src/main.o] Error 1
I really do not know how to resolve this. Can you please help me?