For the record: Bash on Ubuntu on Windows

Just wanted to mention PlatformIO works and compiles AVR well on “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” (new Windows feature) - I installed it via PIP. Neat stuff!

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Wow! :heart_eyes: That is great!

Is pip installed by default too?

A simple matter of

apt-get install python

got pip installed also, as one would hope !

as an aside: It’s common understanding PIP means “pip installs python” but I wonder if the creators were giving a nod to the PIP command in CP/M…

Again, Wow! How did they port apt-get? :scream: Where are located pre-built packages? Or, is it Linux binary?

It’s a really neat enhancement to Windows, called “Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)”. It’s a user-mode compatibility layer (not a VM!) which enables native Ubuntu binaries to run directly on Windows! It has a number of limitations, but is still very awesome for what it is

Could you provide me an output from this Bash?

python -c "from platformio import util; print util.get_systype()"


It lies (or does it?), and tells us:


Now, it is TRUE :slight_smile: You were right that these are native Linux binaries.

P.S: I’m downloading Windows 10 now. I want to try it in VM and add info about Bash to the docs.


There is an article on Ubuntu official blog about Windows subsystem for Linux. It explains WSL in brief.
Windows Subsystem on Linux

Make sure to enable insider builds (fast lane). This is not yet a feature available in Windows 10 stable.
It will be probably included in a huge Windows 10 update this summer (redstone).