Find the mbed version which was used before a backup?

thanks yeah I am telling platformio.ini to use a previous version of mbed, but I am certain this is not the exact version I was using before I reformatted. So I am trying to find that out through a macOS Time Machine backup. There is no suffix on the folder name.

This is the file structure of the package. Any idea where to find the version in all this? :sweat_smile:

$ .platformio/packages/framework-mbed/

.astyleignore           .travis.yml             TEST_APPS/              events/                 requirements.txt
.astylerc              UNITTESTS/              features/               rtos/
.coveragerc       cmsis/                  hal/                    targets/
.gitattributes          Jenkinsfile             components/             logo.png                tools/
.github/                LICENSE-apache-2.0.txt  docs/                   mbed.h                  
.gitignore                  doxyfile_options        package.json            
.piopm                       doxygen_options.json    platform/               
.pylintrc               TESTS/                  drivers/                platformio/