Esp8266 non os sdk has errors when building new project

Did you have a look at what I posted above?

I found the api instruction.
Have you ever used esp8285 series?
Is it all the same about sdk and etc and just have internal flash?
Does the internal flash have enough space for sdk ?
It has two series with 1m and 2m flashes.

I haven’t personally worked with a ESP8285 but I also think that it’s just a more integrated ESP8266 with internal flash. Whether it has enough space for the end productive application is good question and depends on your specific application. Keep in mind that the default linker script will limit your application to around 370 kilobytes, and a Blinky+WiFi examples takes up ca. 60% of that. I think that is because of OTA (two applications sots, ~370kByte each…), but is surely changeable…

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HI again maxgerhardt.
I cant find anything about i2c pins in esp8266 datasheet.
Which pins are for i2c ?
Or its software thing i2c and any gpios can be i2c?
I think i have to create a new topic “esp8266 general”. Im going far away from this topic:)

Yes when I look at ESP8266_NONOS_SDK/driver_lib/include/driver/i2c_master.h at release/v2.1.x · espressif/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK · GitHub it looks like software I2C with default pins on GPIO2 and GPIO14. Here it also says it does not have a hardware I2C peripheral, just uses software bitbanging.

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Hi @maxgerhardt .
I finished designing my esp board and everything works fine with AI thinker sdk.
But i cant upload my code to the ic with platform io.
It recognize com port which usb to serial is connected to, but it gives me time out error connecting to the target.

What reset circuit style is on the board? Set it accordingly. Or put the ESP in bootloader mode beforehand.

2020.09. V3.0.2. Remove references to document ESP8266 Flash RW Operation program. Callback functions are executed by the non -OS SDK core when a system event occurs. Since ESP8266_NonOS_SDK_v3.0, we have added a new feature to enable using iRAM uint32 epc1; // the address that error occurred.
