[solved] ESP8266-binary deleted (?) after build


I’m using platformio in IDE (Atom/Visual Code) and integrated pio. Building and uploading binaries works great.

How can I save the binary? Seems that it is getting cleaned automatically after building,…


It’s not deleted. The binaries and the precompiled library object files are stored in a hidden folder. Under “.platformio” folder. Inside the folder you will find a seperate folder for each of the target boards. Inside the target board folders you will find the binaries as well the library object files.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

unfortunately I cannot find any binaries in the .platformio folder. But the firmware.bin file is being created in the .pioenvs folder within the project folder - before I can copy the file its removed,…

Thats funny! It should not be deleted unless another build command or clean command is triggered.

Well, you can always use custom_script option in the platformio.ini file to run a command to copy the binary as a part of the build script.

PS: I made a mistake with the folder name in the earlier post. It should be .pioenvs and not .platformio

ok, I managed to avoid automatic cleanup using “–disable-auto-clean” - but I don’t assume that’s the regular way,…
I tried to enable verbose logging, but I didn’t see any reason why pio performs an auto-clean right after building,… any idea?

If you modify platformio.ini, PIO Core will rebuild a project. Also, check that you have only the one PIO COre in a system.

Hi @ivankravets,

thank you! I had another PIO installed - if that causes PIO to clean the binaries I’m pretty sure that caused this fault,…