ESP32 ... why only 1MB flash?

Hello, seems to have 1MB FLASH set fro WROOM-32 where it seems to actually have 4MB (WROOM-32 flash size? - ESP32 Forum)

how could i update that ? (and why is it not set to 4MB already ? )

thank you very much, Peter

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Please file an issue here Issues · platformio/platform-espressif32 · GitHub

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What specific board and framework are you using?

I’m using Esp32 doit devkit v1
With arduino framework.

In the board manager I see 4MB Flash, as in fhe documentation, but when I compile it does not upload because says the board has 1MB flash and is not sufficient. (I also see 1MB in the Inspect page)

If you have an application that’s beyond 1MByte in size, you need to adjust the partition table.

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