ESP32 JTAG debugging failed with different boards

Hello everybody,
i´m struggeling with platformio and the WROOM32 (an ESP32-DOWDQ6 chip).
I´m not able to debug a sketch with this module and a list of devices below.

platformio.ini contains:


platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
upload_port = COM3
debug_tool = esp-prog
debug_speed = 200
upload_protocol = esp-prog
debug_init_break = tbreak setup

The Platformio itself is almost on the latest version:

  • Core 6.0.2rc2
  • Home 3.4.1

I just tried to upload a test of a simple “blink-sketch” and debug it.

The Board is a new Wemos D1-Mini with an ESP32

At least the main goal is not to use this board, but it was my last board with an ESP32 to test JTAG debugging. All my other boards failed to establish a JTAG conversation between Platformio and the ESP32. I also tested ESP32devkit, nodemcu32, ESP32cam and at least the Wemos D1 Mini ESP32.
All what i want is to get a working ESP32-Debugging configuration for a bigger project. And now i come up with this fail again.

The Debugg Probe is a ESP-PROG from amazon.

Can somebody help me to fix this?

  1. Please check the wiring
  2. Ensure that you don’t use in your firmware GPIOs that are intended for JTAG.