esp32 dev kit v1 download project failed

hi, I’m trying to install this code on an esp32 dev kit v1 but it always gives me this error when I try to download the firmware to install it via the esphome web tool. I download through the home assistant of the project. I attach the error and the project. I tried to put various boards. I don’t know what I’m wrong. I’m at the beginning and I’ve read the documentation but maybe I didn’t understand much.

esptool merge_bin: error: argument : [error 2] no such file or directory: ‘/data/chace/platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/tools/partitions/boot_app0.bin’

Did you check that that file exists?

I didn’t understand where the directory is, before “'/data…”

/data is supposed to be at the root of your filesystem.

What OS are you on?

tnk… i’m on windows

If you’re on Windows then how does a Unix-style path get in there at all.

Can you please exactly show your steps / project files that leads to this error?

I create the firmware in home assistant, I compile it and when I install the firmware via USB it gives me this error.

And how exactly do you do that.

I enter “esphome” from the add-ons, first I click on the 3 dots of the project, and click validate, then I always press on the 3 dots and press on install and then I press on “plug into this computer, for devices connected via usb to this computer”
if I uninstall and reinstall esphome do you think I lose all the projects I have?

Please file an issue in Issues · esphome/issues · GitHub if the extensions fails to detect the correct upload path, this does not look like a PlatformIO problem to me.

ok thanks, i’ll try this.