DallasTemperature@3.8.0 different source for the same version


I get different version of library today than I was getting few months ago, despite specifying the same version in platformio.ini.

Why the version of library source today is different than few months ago?
How can I get the “old” version back?

lib_deps =

.pio from today:

.pio/libdeps/nodemcuv2/DallasTemperature$ grep -r "3\."
DallasTemperature.h:#define DALLASTEMPLIBVERSION "3.7.8" // To be deprecated
library.json:  "version": "3.8.0",

.pio old:

.pio-old/libdeps/nodemcuv2/DallasTemperature_ID54$ grep -r "3\."
.library.json:    "version": "3.8.0", 
DallasTemperature.h:#define DALLASTEMPLIBVERSION "3.7.9" // To be deprecated
library.json:  "version": "3.8.0",


Looks like something could be broken in the Library Registry backend (it is in the middle of a major overhaul, so some breakage is to be expected). Weird stuff is happening there with the library.json version being different to the library.properties and the header version, and not seeming to match any of the versions.

In the mean-time you can either use https://github.com/milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library/archive/3.8.0.zip to directly reference the library zip file, or use milesburton/Arduino-Temperature-Control-Library#3.8.0 if you have git installed/configured.

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Something has happened wrong when we migrate packages from legacy registry to the new. We have just fixed it.

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