Cannot update library published with old PlatformIO registry method

Hi everybody,
It’s been quite some time since our last update of our IoTaaP Core Library , when the last version was published, old registry was active (and as I remember it was automatically crawled few hours after the push to the GitHub.

Today we tried to publish the new version by using pio package publish , and it actually worked, but the issue is that it created new library in the new registry inside “my” organisation (igolubic), originally it’s “iotaap”. I can see the changes with new registry and I like it (organisational structure, publishing, etc.) but how to publish new library version to the same organisation?

I have tried using the command pio package publish --owner=iotaap, then I get the following message:

Error: You do not have permission to publish a package using the iotaap account

I have also tried using the command pio org create iotaap --email --displayname IoTaaP, and response is:

Error: Organization with the same orgname already exists

But iotaap organization is not listed under my organizations (owned by: igolubic), and we have never created ‘iotaap’ organization since new registry came in place.

The same question goes for IoTaaP HAPI library, since we will be pushing some major upgrades soon.

@ivankravets can you help restructure the organisation for that library here please?

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I can see that the new version was updated automatically now to 0.2.7, but we are still unable to manage “iotaap” organization. Since we have a plan to update new versions of the above-mentioned IoTaaP HAPI library and some new libraries, we would like to manage them under “iotaap” organization.

Looking forward for any inputs!

Thanks for contacting us! You have been assigned as the owner of iotaap organization. You can now manage other collaborators and teams. Try to repeat pio package publish --owner=iotaap

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Works as expected. Thank you for your assistance!

Hi @maxgerhardt,
Do you maybe know if the new registry still automatically crawls for the version changes, or we need to do the pio package publish --owner=iotaap?

The registry is able to do both the legacy automatic update crawler or update via pio package push, and that is a setting per-library – that’s what I understand from Picking up Arduino library manager library versions without a tag - #3 by ivankravets and How to handle someone registering my Library? - #5 by ivankravets.

Auto-crawler is enabled for legacy libraries. Also, the only you published the new version manually, auto-crawling will be disabled forever. We are on the way to disable auto crawling at all.

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Maybe we have issues in the cloud? because regularly I can did publish without any problem, but today the command freezing in the console and it doesn’t end the publish.

(master) avp:canairio_sensorlib$ pio package publish --owner=hpsaturn
Preparing a package...
Type:     library
Owner:    hpsaturn
Name:     CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library
Version:  0.5.2
Are you sure you want to publish the library hpsaturn/CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library@0.5.2 to the registry?
 [y/N]: y

Using the --non-interactive option, the same issue:

(master) avp:canairio_sensorlib$ pio package publish --owner=hpsaturn --non-interactive
Preparing a package...
Type:     library
Owner:    hpsaturn
Name:     CanAirIO Air Quality Sensors Library
Version:  0.5.2

CC @ivankravets are there current server issues?

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Could you try again? Should be fixed now.

it’s working, thanks!