C++ code completion / Intellisense is almost non-existent in VSCode

Intellisense pretty much doesn’t work for me (VS Code, Windows 10 x64, Arduino and Espressif targets). I get no C++ code completion, only suggestions from the local file (basically, just other tokens encountered in this file, no C++ intelligence). This is the same on two machines.

I’m new to PlatformIO, perhaps I didn’t configure something?

Could you share your platformio.ini here?

It’s this project.
It seems to be an intermittent issue. Or maybe it works on some machines and not others. Works right now on my office PC; will check on two home computers later.

I can confirm that is still doesn’t work on my home PC, while it does work on another PC that I sometimes use.

Does it do not work only for embeddedUI.ino?