Building and uploading library examples with env sections

That trick works for .c/.cpp files, not for .ino files. Ino files get special handling (source, source).

Reading that it’s also easy to use advanced scripting to trigger the .ino → .cpp conversion and the build src filter additon.

For your project, consider the platformio.ini:

platform = atmelavr
framework = arduino
board = uno
extra_scripts =

custom_example = examples/Stream_LTV_parse

custom_example = examples/Register_TWI_MPU6050_direct

with as

#from import ConvertInoToCpp
import os

custom_example = env.GetProjectOption("custom_example", None)

print("Custom example is: " + str(custom_example))

if custom_example is not None:
    prev_src_dir = env["PROJECT_SRC_DIR"]
    proj_path = env["PROJECT_DIR"]
    # paths are seen as relative from project root location
    example_path = os.path.join(proj_path, custom_example)
    # ConvertToInoCpp() only looks at .ino files from PROJECT_SRC_DIR
    # we temporarily redirect this variable to the examples folder
    env["PROJECT_SRC_DIR"] = example_path
    print("Converting ino for " + example_path)
    env["PROJECT_SRC_DIR"] = prev_src_dir
    # also automatically add to build_src_filter
    print(env.get("SRC_FILTER", ""))
    if "SRC_FILTER" in env:
        # is it a list or a simple string?
        if isinstance(env["SRC_FILTER"], list):
            env["SRC_FILTER"][0] += " +<%s>" % example_path
            env["SRC_FILTER"] += " +<%s>" % example_path
        # not set previously:
        env["SRC_FILTER"] = "+<*> +<%s>" % example_path
    print("SOURCE FILTER NOW")
    print(env.get("SRC_FILTER", ""))
    # ify ou want to set data/ directory per-example for SPIFFS/LittleFS upload
    #env["PROJECT_DATA_DIR"] = os.path.join(example_path, "data")

Then you will see that both environments will build normally and all you have to do is give the environment the path to the example (relative to the root of the project).

Environment                          Status    Duration
-----------------------------------  --------  ------------
example_Stream_LTV_parse             SUCCESS   00:00:02.548
example_Register_TWI_MPU6050_direct  SUCCESS   00:00:02.793
====================== 2 succeeded in 00:00:05.341 ======================
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