一个BUG(HiFive RevB 移植 uCOSII)


When I implemented the migration of ucoii, I found a phenomenon: when the task with the lowest priority (not the idle) started to run, OSIntNesting (a global variable) became 536937460 (0x200103f4), which is an address. Then I found that this is related to the initialization settings of the task stack. The first stack element is the start address PC of the task function, and then, The binary code of an instruction before the change of OSIntNesting is 0xce061101, that is to say, OSIntNesting changes after mret and 0xce061101 are executed. But other high priority tasks will not be affected when they are run for the first time, so I think it is a memory access problem. I hope I can get your help. Because the cause of bug may be that my migration is wrong.
My English is not very good, so I use Baidu to translate the English version of the text.