Atom: Endless Loop (re)installing Platformio

Platformio randomly decided to create an endless loop of installing itself followed by a restart request repeating the process endlessly. This not only lets me not use pio but blocks all functionality of the editor. Any idea what this could be? There are numerous errors in the issues of github that appear vaguely related but i can’t go as far as checking via console because, well, nothing works if i do not restart immediately.

This is the log from the atom error console after it displays the please restart message. This all is consistent through uninstalling and installing platformio.

C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand platformio ["--version"] Object {}__proto__: Object__defineGetter__: __defineGetter__()__defineSetter__: __defineSetter__()__lookupGetter__: __lookupGetter__()__lookupSetter__: __lookupSetter__()constructor: Object()hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty()isPrototypeOf: isPrototypeOf()propertyIsEnumerable: propertyIsEnumerable()toLocaleString: toLocaleString()toString: toString()valueOf: valueOf()get __proto__: __proto__()set __proto__: __proto__()
manager.js:82 Error: Incompatible PIO Core 3.5.1
    at PlatformIOCoreStage._callee7$ (C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:2435:23)
    at tryCatch (C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:832:40)
    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:1066:22)
    at Generator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:884:21)
    at step (C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:1865:191)
    at C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:1865:361
(anonymous) @ manager.js:82
step @ C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\lib\installer\manager.js:11
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand conda ["--version"]0: "--version"length: 1__proto__: Array[0] Object {}
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand C:\Users\Narf\.platformio\penv\Scripts\python.exe ["-c", "import platform;import sys;assert "cygwin" not in … < (3, 0, 0);assert sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9)"] Object {}
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand python.exe ["-c", "import platform;import sys;assert "cygwin" not in … < (3, 0, 0);assert sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 9)"] Object {}
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand virtualenv ["-p", "python.exe", "C:\Users\Narf\.platformio\penv"] Object {}
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand pip ["install", "--no-cache-dir", "-U", "platformio"] Object {}
C:\Users\Narf\.atom\packages\platformio-ide\node_modules\platformio-node-helpers\lib\index.js:481 runCommand platformio ["-f", "-c", "atom", "home", "--host", "__do_not_start__"] Object {}
internal/process/next_tick.js:103 Uncaught (in promise) undefined
_tickCallback @ internal/process/next_tick.js:103

A bit more digging turned up if i use the cli inbetween restarts to pip uninstall platformio followed by pip install platformio this warning shows up:

Obsolete PIO Core v3.5.1 is used (previous was 3.5.2rc2)
Please remove multiple PIO Cores from a system:

Sadly the link provides no information that i can use since it relies on menu entries in the atom menu which are not accessible inbetween the loop. I also never knowingly used the 3.5.2rc2 core. I’d appreciate any help since this not only prevents pio but renders my whole atom installation unusable. If i could delete whatever reference to 3.5.2rc2 i think i’d be in the clear.

I’m having the exact same problem, any solution to this ?

I found that you can brute-force it by editing PIO_CORE_MIN_VERSION in config.js to 3.5.1. I have no idea why though and an update today promptly broke it again (editing again works).

had the same problem yesterday -
seems okay with setting these options
OFF : automatically update Platform IDE
OFF : use platform development IDE
Use Built-in platform Core
ON : use development platform Core

current core : is PlatformIO 3.5.2rc4

With the update today to rc4 that problem seems to have gone. However i only got there by editing the config.js file. I never enabled anything about using development pio core or ide nor have i been able to edit these settings due to the endless loop. It appears to me that the Advanced section is ignored and the development core used regardless. platformio upgrade says currently: You’re up-to-date! PlatformIO 3.5.2rc4 is currently the newest version available.

It should be fixed with the latest PIO IDE for Atom. Please update.

basta desabilitar ou configurar o firewall /antivirus. funciona para Atom e VSCode. Eu apanhei até descobrir.