Atmel SAMD support

Developing / expanding an existing platform with a builder script if never done before can be daunting. I’ll have a look at your repos and finish the work and tell you what was missing.

Did you push your modified platform-atmelsam too?

I have now! :slight_smile: So here is my modified atmelsam platform:

And here is the arduino framework:

Thank you! :pray:

I have taken a look at it and you have not correctly translated the board.txt options for this board and the correspoding usage in the platform.txt into the extra_flags macros for the board. Further you misdeclared the core as a Cortex-M0 when it’s an Cortex-M0+, overstated RAM and FLASH size by multiple factors, missed hwid definitions and USB metainfo. I’ve fixed these in Fix board definition and builder logic · maxgerhardt/platformio-atmelsam@262d663 · GitHub. I further equalized the used GCC compiler and the Atmel CMSIS package in Fix package version for atmel cmsis and compiler · maxgerhardt/platformio-atmelsam@caa234e · GitHub.

Try using

platform =
board = samd11c14a
framework = arduino
upload_protocol = sam-ba


#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {
void loop() {
    Serial.println("test test");

Use the CLIpio platform update atmelsam to make sure all git versions are the latest.

Thank you!!

I couldn’t make it work yet, I fried my only samd board with static electricity… but I’ll try next week again and let you know how it went.