'Arduino.h' file not found

Thank you @normandunbar!

In addition to Normanā€™s excellent response, Iā€™d like to point out that there should NOT be any need to do this. Bar the first time you compile an Arduiono framework project (at which time the files havenā€™t been downloaded), PlatformIO should tell IntelliSense automatically (when it does the ā€˜IntelliSense Rebuildā€™) where to find framework related files (i.e. Arduino.h). If it doesnā€™t it could be that IntelliSense is bugged (yet again), or the cache needs cleaning/rebuildingā€¦ hence the presence of the


entry. I tended to find out when IntelliSense did go stupid (which is a lot less frequent now) that a combination of rebuilding the index, building the project again, and/or restarting VSCode usually fixed it.

I just did what you said, and it seems that it is working now. I still have a few comments with squiggly red lines under, which is odd, but other than that, everything else seems to work fine.

Thank you @pfeerick and @normandunbar for your valuable help.


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I was very glad to learn that the squiggles donā€™t always mean something.
But I kind of count on them. I guess they usually point out fishy stuff.

Squiggles mean one of three things, maybe 4:

  • The toolchain header files have never been downloaded, so intellisense cannot understand anything related to them.
  • Intellisense knows where the header files are located, and disagrees with something you have typed!
  • Intellisense is borked, and needs rebuilding;


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And when it doubt, repeat number 3 to make it to the 4th entry on the list! :laughing:

IntelliSense is great when it worksā€¦ which it seems to be getting better and better at doing (hey, the Microsoft C++ extension is only at version 0.27, so itā€™s got a long way to go before the magic ā€˜1.0ā€™ milestone!!!) ā€¦ but it has a habit of breaking quite badly a times. Touchwood, not so much of late.

Had this problem in the CLion IDE. Turns out the generated platformio.ini and CMake are wrong.

To fix this, I had to change the platformio.ini from

platform = espressif32
board = featheresp32
framework = arduino


platform = espressif32
board = featheresp32
framework = arduino

No, this is not necessary. You have to follow the documentation to setup the CMake environments correctly and itā€™ll work.