'Arduino.h' file not found


1.Is the problem now fixed or only temporarily fixed? 2. how is it that c / c ++ does not cause problems for me in the editor and not with others

Disabling the C/C++ Clang Command Adapter should have fixed the problem - permanently.

But I still don’t understand part 2 of your question.You are writing the C/C++ does not cause problem, i.e. works correctly. That’s a good thing, isn’t it?


I think there could be some confusion here:

There are IntelliSense errors, and there are C/C++/compiler errors.

IntelliSense errors are code errors detected by the IntelliSense engine, which analyses your code while you are writing it, and tries to detect potential errors. However, it sometimes doesn’t work properly, and gives ‘false positives’ / says there are errors that don’t really exist. This misbehaviour could be the result of a configuration issue, a conflict with another extension, a bug in the IntelliSense, antivirus software misbehaving or any number of odd conflicts or reasons. Either way, IntelliSense errors are shown in the Problems tab.

There are C/C++/compiler errors, which are detected by the compiler during the build/compile process. These are real errors, as they are preventing the compiler from building your project. They need to be fixed before your project will successfully build. These errors are shown in the Terminal tab.

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U help me very thx. It’s my first time on this Platform and I never think to become so much help !

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Ahhhh, now I know what u mean , I disable the
compiler the error are gone but it’s not really good ? I fiddled and didn’t fix it properly?

I am new to programming and try to learn everything. I’m actually a trained electrician

So sorry for maybe stupid questions…

No, not quite… you fiddled… which broke intellisense in the first place (which isn’t hard to do, trust me), and then removed the addon that broke it (mitaki28.vscode-clang), and it came good again :wink:

IntelliSense is nice when it works (as you don’t have to compile the code to find mistakes), but when it doesn’t work, it doesn’t. At that point, you either ignore the ‘Problems’ tab, or you spend lots of time trying to make it work. I do the latter, even when it does work… I just press build/compile when I think I’ve finished something, and wait for the compiler to tell me I did something wrong.

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ahhh u save my day :slight_smile:
Thank u really!

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Platform IO is supposed to be platform independent

but on first use, proves completely useless because it is completely empty
Question as … where is Arduimo.h Library not found … is crypticaly answered explaining you should use TH library manager …

there is no respect for the beginner… it claims the include paths and library paths are NOT setup correctly.
upon asking you getting the fourth degree.



		What are  the KEYWORDS   to LOAD
		 a) THE core  arduino  library    ( ARDUINO.h, Serial .....)  there is enough doc how to find json , wifi ....
		    THE CORE  arduino  8266  libary ( ARDUINO.h, Serial .....)  there is enough doc how to find json , wifi ....
		    THE  CORE  ESP32    library   ( ARDUINO.h, Serial .....)  there is enough doc how to find json , wifi ....
		    THE CORE   RTOS  library   ( ARDUINO.h, Serial .....)  there is enough doc how to find json , wifi ....
		      all frameworks ....
		  		Can they be   inserted  with the  LIBRARY MANAGER  [ YES/ NO ]
		  		Can I Reuse   the arduino IDE  include/library  (same updates .... it takes MONTHS ... to get an answer from platform IO
		  C)    Arduino IDE is an all containing packet 
		 WILL THIS SOLVE  THE  ARDUINI.H  proroble m and simular   FOR EVER .....  [ YES /NO ]
	PLease  do NOT refer me to   standards    Using   any off  the  utility libraries 
				FOR  ARDUINO IDE   the y can be INTERNAL ( included in the packet !!!!)
         Sorry  for the capitals  MONTHS frustration  ......
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I agree, the documentation isn’t clear for beginners, but I couldn’t tell if you were trying to help or just state your frustration.

Do you know how to add the Arduino.h path to PlatformIO or not? I’m still looking, and if you know, it’ll be of great help :slight_smile:


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Hi @OmarAlamoudi,

If you create a program using the option framework = arduino (in the platformio.ini file) then, when you compile it for the first time, PlatformIO will download all required tools, files and so on. The next time it does that will be if something has changed or been updated.

Where is the Arduino.h file? Well, on my Linux system, I can see it in /home/norman/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/cores/arduino - but you don’t need to know where it lives, the compiler will (should!) find it.

Here’s an example on my setup:

mkdir PIO_dummy
cd PIO_dummy
pio init --board uno

That creates a pile of stuff (technical term) ready for me to add some code. Have a look at the meat of the platformio.ini file:

cat platformio.ini

platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino

So far so good, the framework is arduino, so I can simply create a sketch, add the line #include <Arduino.h> to it and compile:

vi src/main.ino    ### I use vi for this example.

Add these lines, then save the file and exit the editor.

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {

The file is ready to be compiled:

The command pio run will compile the code and produces a lot of output:

Processing uno (platform: atmelavr; board: uno; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
CONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/page/boards/atmelavr/uno.html
PLATFORM: Atmel AVR 2.2.0 > Arduino Uno
HARDWARE: ATMEGA328P 16MHz, 2KB RAM, 31.50KB Flash
DEBUG: Current (simavr) On-board (simavr)
 - framework-arduino-avr 5.0.0 
 - toolchain-atmelavr 1.50400.190710 (5.4.0)
Converting main.ino
LDF: Library Dependency Finder -> http://bit.ly/configure-pio-ldf
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 5 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
No dependencies
Building in release mode
Compiling .pio/build/uno/src/main.ino.cpp.o
Archiving .pio/build/uno/libFrameworkArduinoVariant.a
Indexing .pio/build/uno/libFrameworkArduinoVariant.a
Compiling .pio/build/uno/FrameworkArduino/CDC.cpp.o
Lots of compilation of Arduino files here ...
Archiving .pio/build/uno/libFrameworkArduino.a
Indexing .pio/build/uno/libFrameworkArduino.a
Linking .pio/build/uno/firmware.elf
Checking size .pio/build/uno/firmware.elf
Building .pio/build/uno/firmware.hex
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM:   [          ]   0.4% (used 9 bytes from 2048 bytes)
Flash: [          ]   1.4% (used 444 bytes from 32256 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 2.39 seconds =========================

The command pio run --target upload will upload it to my Uno, however, there’s no point as the sketch doesn’t do anything.

You can see, from the compilation listing above, that there are no errors, the Arduino.h file has been found on my system somewhere and included in my sketch. I didn’t need to find it or tell the compiler where to find it.

What happens on your system when you follow the instructions above? Do yo get a cleancompilation or do you get an errro?




Thank you very much @normandunbar!

I think I do understand your wonderful answer. My primary concern, which I didn’t make clear, was how to take advantage of IntelliSense and remove the squiggly red lines in Visual Studio Code by simply adding the path of the Arduino.h file. But due to my beginner nature using PlatformIO, I didn’t realize PIO is as dynamic as you describe it.

I actually have no problems uploading sketches to my Arduino. I notices that your sketch has a .ino extension, I’m using main.cpp and it is working just fine as of right now.

Is there a way to dynamically point to the directory where PIO stores the Arduino source code?


Hi @OmarAlamoudi,

This thread might help andwer your question. Replies 6 and 7 - currently at the bottom - should suffice.


Thank you @normandunbar!

In addition to Norman’s excellent response, I’d like to point out that there should NOT be any need to do this. Bar the first time you compile an Arduiono framework project (at which time the files haven’t been downloaded), PlatformIO should tell IntelliSense automatically (when it does the ‘IntelliSense Rebuild’) where to find framework related files (i.e. Arduino.h). If it doesn’t it could be that IntelliSense is bugged (yet again), or the cache needs cleaning/rebuilding… hence the presence of the


entry. I tended to find out when IntelliSense did go stupid (which is a lot less frequent now) that a combination of rebuilding the index, building the project again, and/or restarting VSCode usually fixed it.

I just did what you said, and it seems that it is working now. I still have a few comments with squiggly red lines under, which is odd, but other than that, everything else seems to work fine.

Thank you @pfeerick and @normandunbar for your valuable help.


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I was very glad to learn that the squiggles don’t always mean something.
But I kind of count on them. I guess they usually point out fishy stuff.

Squiggles mean one of three things, maybe 4:

  • The toolchain header files have never been downloaded, so intellisense cannot understand anything related to them.
  • Intellisense knows where the header files are located, and disagrees with something you have typed!
  • Intellisense is borked, and needs rebuilding;


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And when it doubt, repeat number 3 to make it to the 4th entry on the list! :laughing:

IntelliSense is great when it works… which it seems to be getting better and better at doing (hey, the Microsoft C++ extension is only at version 0.27, so it’s got a long way to go before the magic ‘1.0’ milestone!!!) … but it has a habit of breaking quite badly a times. Touchwood, not so much of late.

Had this problem in the CLion IDE. Turns out the generated platformio.ini and CMake are wrong.

To fix this, I had to change the platformio.ini from

platform = espressif32
board = featheresp32
framework = arduino


platform = espressif32
board = featheresp32
framework = arduino

No, this is not necessary. You have to follow the documentation to setup the CMake environments correctly and it’ll work.