Add new microcontroller to PlatformIO

I want to write a program for an STM8S005K6T6C microcontroller using PlatformIO.Is there a way to add STM8S005K6T6C to PlatformIO? already exists as a platform and it has a STM8S003 board.

I would just suggest adding a new board definition to that platform, or to your project.

E.g., first copy the regular project, then add `boards/stm8s005k6.json" to your project with content

  "build": {
    "core": "sduino",
    "extra_flags": "-DSTM8S_006 -DSTM8S005",
    "f_cpu": "16000000L",
    "cpu": "stm8",
    "mcu": "stm8s005f6t6",
    "variant": "standard"
  "debug": {
    "svd_path": "STM8S005K6.svd",
    "openocd_target": "stm8s003"
  "frameworks": [
  "upload": {
    "maximum_ram_size": 2048,
    "maximum_size": 32768,
    "protocol": "stlinkv2",
    "protocols": [
  "name": "ST STM8S005K6 chip",
  "url": "",
  "vendor": "ST"

then set the platformio.ini as

platform = ststm8
framework = spl
board = stm8s005k6

Of course, the above values may not all be correct. You have to understand what each of them are doing, or referencing.

  • extra_flags are extra compiler flags, usually -D (definitions) that identify the chip towards the SDK code. You can e.g. see that the example code expects one of these macros to be activated

So essentially, as documented in

Thank you very much for replying to my question maxgerhardt.
I will do the method you advised me and I will tell you the result.